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Récupération de la guilde


Hello !

J'ai pu récupérer la guilde !

Venez vous faire reguilder 😉

Pour ceux que ça interesse, ma conversation avec le MJ, en anglais :



Info at 21:27, Mar 27:
Thank you for choosing to chat with us. An agent will be with you shortly.
Info at 21:27, Mar 27:
You are now chatting with Frelnaars.
Frelnaars at 21:27, Mar 27:

Hey there, my name is Game Master Frelnaars, how are you today? 🙂
You at 21:24, Mar 27:
Hello Frelnaars!
You at 21:24, Mar 27:
I'm good, how are you§
You at 21:24, Mar 27:
You at 21:24, Mar 27:
thanks for taking my case so quickly 🙂
Frelnaars at 21:28, Mar 27:

Doing well thanks 🙂 I see your ticket is in French, are you ok to continue talking in English? My French is non existant
You at 21:25, Mar 27:
and sorry for writting it in French
You at 21:25, Mar 27:
Perfectly happy to continue in English!
You at 21:25, Mar 27:
I live in London so I'm getting used to English 🙂
Frelnaars at 21:29, Mar 27:

Alrighty so, how can I help you out today? ^^
You at 21:26, Mar 27:
You at 21:26, Mar 27:
I was hacked last Saturday morning :-/
You at 21:26, Mar 27:
I am the guild master of my guild, and it got deleted by the hacker
You at 21:26, Mar 27:
I spoke with one of your colleagues (French one) during the week end
You at 21:27, Mar 27:
they told me that they needed the help from the devs in the US to be able to regenerate the guild
You at 21:27, Mar 27:
and that it would be better if I created a new guild, as this could take weeks if not months
You at 21:27, Mar 27:
So I just recreated it, a few minutes ago
You at 21:27, Mar 27:
Your colleagues told us that they would restaure the guild bank at the same time as the guild, before realising that they would need help from the devs in the US
You at 21:28, Mar 27:
same goes for the achievements etc. I assume
You at 21:28, Mar 27:
So here comes my question...
You at 21:28, Mar 27:
Could you please restaure the content of the guild into the new one
You at 21:28, Mar 27:
I do understand that this is most certainly a horribly tidious task
You at 21:29, Mar 27:
You have no idea how sorry I am to inflict that on a fellow human being 🙁
You at 21:29, Mar 27:
If we could retrieve a good chunk of the guild bank, that would be great
You at 21:29, Mar 27:
if we could retrieve the achievements, that would be amazing
Frelnaars at 21:32, Mar 27:

Certainly a loaded issue you have ^^ Im not entirely sure though that the contents of the bank can be transferred into the new guild even if you were the master of both. bear with me though as I will check into this.
You at 21:30, Mar 27:
I will take care of reguilding everyone, recreating all the ranks etc ( I will do everything that I can basically, but really need you for the rest)
You at 21:30, Mar 27:
Thank you very much
You at 21:31, Mar 27:
I do understand that your tools might not be built to do that easily and that a lot of manual actions could be needed
You at 21:31, Mar 27:
once again, I am really sorry :-/
You at 21:32, Mar 27:
"Certainly a loaded issue you have" --> this ruined my past 5 days, you have no idea... can barely sleep
Frelnaars at 21:35, Mar 27:

🙁 Just waiting on a few people to get back to me to check the status of that request we made before. Can you just confirm for me the name of the server the guild was on?
You at 21:33, Mar 27:
Of course
You at 21:33, Mar 27:
Kirin Tor
You at 21:33, Mar 27:
Raid Trap
You at 21:33, Mar 27:
The new guild I just created is also named Raid Trap
You at 21:33, Mar 27:
(EU, French server)
Frelnaars at 21:41, Mar 27:

Thanks for that. Sorry for the silence, there are updates on this and im just getting all the clarification I can, hopefully won't be much longer.
You at 21:38, Mar 27:
please, no worries at all!
You at 21:39, Mar 27:
And if I can be of any help, please do tell me!
Frelnaars at 21:48, Mar 27:

Ok so it looks like we got your guild working again and im in the process of tracking down where all the items have gone to.
You at 21:45, Mar 27:
Oh my god, you are amazing!!
Frelnaars at 21:49, Mar 27:

This might take a bit of time though, are you ok to wait or would you rather head off and do your think and I update your ticket later?
You at 21:46, Mar 27:
I personally can wait all the time you need
You at 21:46, Mar 27:
But I feel very guilty of making you work so late, I am very sorry
Frelnaars at 21:50, Mar 27:

Ah your fine don't worry about that ^^
You at 21:47, Mar 27:
Frelnaars at 21:56, Mar 27:

Sorry again for the continued silence, still working on things 🙂
You at 21:54, Mar 27:
No worries at all!
Frelnaars at 22:02, Mar 27:

Ok so I found all your items but it's going to need me to manually pick them up and send them on to you and that's going to take a bit of time. Im already in the process of sorting through that though and hope to get it done within the next hour where it should arrive in your mailbox 🙂
Frelnaars at 22:03, Mar 27:

The only thing I can't affect would be the achievements sadly 🙁
You at 22:00, Mar 27:
Amazing for the items, thanks a lot!
You at 22:00, Mar 27:
For the achievements, what would we need to do?
Frelnaars at 22:04, Mar 27:

I could try to restore the old guild but I don't know if the achievements are kept. Naturally though I would need you to delete the guild you currently have
You at 22:02, Mar 27:
haha, that's a risk I am more than willing to take!
Frelnaars at 22:05, Mar 27:

Right, let me know when you have the current guild deleted and I will restore the old one
You at 22:04, Mar 27:
"Guild has been disbanded."
You at 22:04, Mar 27:
First time I see that message
You at 22:04, Mar 27:
do you need me to log off too ?
Frelnaars at 22:08, Mar 27:

Nope, just you might see some oddness in a moment ^^
You at 22:05, Mar 27:
haha, exciting!
Frelnaars at 22:08, Mar 27:

Should find you are back in your old guild again now
You at 22:06, Mar 27:
I see a guild!
You at 22:06, Mar 27:
I see achievements!
Frelnaars at 22:09, Mar 27:

\o/ \o/
You at 22:06, Mar 27:
I see a configured guild bank!
You at 22:06, Mar 27:
I see Guild feats of Strength!
You at 22:06, Mar 27:
Guild bank is empty :p
You at 22:07, Mar 27:
but that was expected, I guess?
Frelnaars at 22:10, Mar 27:

Well yea im working on that part 😀
Frelnaars at 22:10, Mar 27:

Glad though that everything else is there ^^
You at 22:07, Mar 27:
You are amazing, thank you SO much!
Frelnaars at 22:10, Mar 27:

My absolute pleasure. As I say the mail with the guild bank items should be arriving within the next hour or so but while I am here was there anything else you needed help with?
You at 22:08, Mar 27:
Is there somewhere I can send you a box of chocolate to thank you? 🙂
Frelnaars at 22:12, Mar 27:

Appreciate the gesture but that's ok, I don't believe there is a GM chocolate box address either but that would make a good suggestion to my managers 😀
You at 22:09, Mar 27:
If it ever gets validated, let me know 😀
Frelnaars at 22:13, Mar 27:

Hehe will do ^^ Take care now and all the very best for you and your guild on your adventures! Farewell o/
You at 22:11, Mar 27:
Thanks a lot! I do hope that the guild bank items retrieving won't ruin too much of you evening!

Ce message a été modifié Il y a 5 ans par Yaleokali
Début du sujet Posté : 27/03/2019 11:28

super cool ce mj on a eu de la chance <3

Posté : 28/03/2019 5:32

still a better love story than twilight.

<3 <3 

Posté : 12/04/2019 10:20